Allo Mon Coco Menu

Allo Mon Coco Menu

Allo Mon Coco Menu is a restaurant that Tom Bountis owns. This restaurant Pour Les Petits Cocos, Déjeuners Légers / Light Choices,Crêpes Pancakes, Sandwiches, Grilled Cheese, Bagels, Waffles, bevereges and drinks.

Since 2001, the Allo Mon Coco family has been growing throughout Quebec, and it is only the beginning of this unique and enjoyable adventure.


Pour Les Petits Cocos

 Mamie Enfant $12.50  
 1 oeuf avec votre choix d’accompagnements / 1 egg, 1 choice $7.95  
 Omelette au fromage, pommes de terre et rôties / Cheese omelet, potatoes and toast $8.50  
 Crêpe bretonne farcie de fruits frais /Breton pancake filled with fresh fruit $8.75  
 Crêpe au babeurre et pépites de chocolat, recouverte de bananes et servie avec crème fouettée / Buttermilk and chocolate chip pancake topped with bananas and served with whipped cream $8.75  
Crêpe bretonne farcie de bananes et tartinade choco-noisettes/Crêpe stuffed with bananas and chocolate-hazelnut spread $9.95  
Crêpe bretonne farce de fraises et tartine choco-noisettes /Crêpe stuffed with strawberry and chocolate-hazelnut spread $10.95  
Demi-gaufre recouverte de bananes et tartinade choco-noisettes /Half waffle covered with bananas and chocolate-hazelnut spread $9.95  
 Grilled cheese avec pomme de terre au choix / Grilled cheese with choice of potatoes $9.95  

Déjeuners Légers / Light Choices

 Acai Biologique / Organic Acai $18.75  
 Bol de Chia / Chia Bowl $19.25  
 Toast a l’Avocat / Avocado Toast $19.25  
 2 oeufs santés / Muffin anglais / Fromage cottage $19.75  
 2 Oeufs santés / Bagel / Yogourt $19.75  

Crêpes / Pancakes

 Bananes avec crème anglaise / Banana and English cream $17.33  
Fruits frais avec crème anglaise / Fresh fruits and English cream $17.33  
 Nature/plain $13.25  
Fraise avec crème anglaise / Strawberry and English cream $20.09  
 Jambon et fromage suisse ou cheddar /Ham and Swiss or cheddar cheese $17.82  
 Bleuets avec crème anglaise / Blueberry and English cream $19.75  
Fruits des champs avec crème anglaise / Wild berries and English cream $19.75  
 2 oeufs, jambon et fromage suisse ou cheddar /2 eggs, ham and Swiss or cheddar cheese. $18.75  


 Allô mon Coco $19.11  
 Lucky Luke $17.75  
 Club Déjeuner Mon Coco**/ Breakfast club Mon Coco $17.45  

Fromage Grillé / Grilled Cheese

 Grill Cheese Philly Steak / Philly Steak Grill Cheese $20.06  
 Oeuf brouillé / Srambled Egg Grill Cheese $18.63  
 B.L.T Grill Cheese $18.63  
 Grilled cheese Reuben $19.25  
 Portobello Fromage Brie $18.75  
 Grilled cheese aux four from ages / Grilled cheese four kinds of cheese $21.80  
 Grilled cheese saumon du fumoir / Grilled cheese smokehouse salmon $25.25  

Bagels / Muffins Anglais / Croissants

 Fromage/ cheese $8.75  
Œuf, fromage avec bacon ou jambon/ Egg cheese with bacon or ham $10.95  
 Western $10.95  
 Bagel Atlantique/ Atlantic Bagel $21.95  

Gaufre, Pain Doré / Waffle, French Toast

 Fraise / Strawberry $20.09  
 Nature / Regular $14.25  
Bananes / Bananas $17.95  
Fruit Saisonniers / Mix Fruits $17.50  
Bleuets / Blueberry $19.75  
Fruits des champs / Mix Berries $19.75  
 Spécial Papy $19.75  
 Suprême $18.75  
 Gaufre Royale $19.75  

Déjeuners signature / Signature Breakfasts

 L’ensoleillé / Sunshine $18.60  
 Bûcheron / Logger $20.37  
 Gourmand / Guzzler $18.45  
 Poutine Déjeuner / Breakfast Poutine $19.15  
 Bon matin $18.42  
 Crêpe Mon Coco $17.10  
 Lac Saint-Jean $18.89  
 Coconut $17.38  
 Spécial Charly $18.50  

Breuvages / Drinks

Lait au chocolat chaud / Hot Chocolate Milk $3.79  
Lait au chocolat froid / Cold Chocolate Milk $3.89  
The / Tea $2.75  
Cocktail de fruits frais / Fresh Fruit Cocktail $5.73  
Eau de source / Water $2.75  
Cappuccino bogo $3.95  
Eau gazéifier $3.85  

Casserole / Casserole Dish

 Casserole Bacon / Bacon Casserole $20.09  
 Casserole Coco / Coco Casserole $20.09  
 Casserole Vegetarian / Vegetarian Casserole $18.53  
 Casserole Western / Western Casserole $20.09  


Céréales froides/ Cereals $6.50  
Céréales froides garnies de fruits frais/Cold cereal with fresh fruit $12.05  
 Gruau avec cassonade et rôties/Oatmeal with brown sugar and toast $7.95  
Croque Nature garni de fruits frais avec yogourt /Croque Nature topped with fresh fruit and yogurt $18.75  

Picked for you

 DELUXE Choco Coco $22.22  
 Choco Coco $18.26  
 Pepites de chocolat / Chocolat Chips $16.50  


 Wrap Steak Déjeuner/ Wrap Steak Breakfast/ $18.71  
 Wrap Atlantique/ Atlantic Wrap $19.74  
 Wrap Déjeuner/ Breakfast wrap $18.48  


 Club Sandwich $14.45  

Les déjeuners coco / Coco Breakfasts

 Poutine Petit déjeuner / Breakfast Poutine $15.85  


 Club Sandwich au Poulet / Chicken Club Sandwich $18.75  
 Salade grecque / Greek Salad $17.18  
Hamburger $15.05  
 Ciabatta Philly Steak / Philly Steak Ciabatta $18.00  
 Filet de poitrine de poulet grillé / Grilled Chicken Breast Fillet $17.55  
 Hamburger au fromage / Cheese Burger $15.86  
Salade césar / Caesar Salad $16.81  
 Le wrap crab cake / Crab Cake Wrap $18.75  
 Ciabatta au poulet grillé / Grilled Chicken Ciabatta $16.98  

Les oeufs / Eggs

 2 oeufs avec 1 ingrédient / 2 Eggs with 1 Ingredient $11.26  
2 Oeufs avec pommes de terre et rôties / 2 Eggs with potatoes and toast $9.61  
2 oeufs avec 4 ingrédients / 2 Eggs with 4 Ingredients $19.26  
2 oeufs avec viande fumée / 2 Eggs with Smoked Meat $15.68  
2 oeufs avec rôti de porc / 2 Eggs with Roast Pork $15.62  

Oeufs bénédictine / Eggs benedict

 Bénédictine classique/ Eggs Benedict classic $20.15  
 Bénédictine Jambon/ Eggs Benedict Ham $18.75  
 Oeufs bénédictine / Eggs Benedict $15.51  
 Bénédictine Copenhague / Copenhagen Benedict $18.95  
 Benedictine Rockefeller $20.33  
 Bénédictine Gourmet / Gourmet Benedict $16.90  
 Bénédictine Coco / Coco Benedict $20.40  
 Bénédictine Poulet Frit / Fried Chicken Benedict $22.58  
 Bénédictine avocat et fromage suisse / Avocado Benedict $19.28  
 Benedictine Copenhague $21.95  
Bénédictine Gourmet / Gourmet Eggs Benedict $19.36  
 Bénédictine Philly Steak / Philly Steak Benedict $21.39  
 Bénédictine Bacon / Bacon Benedict $21.30  
 Bénédictine Croquette de Crabe / Crab Cake Benedict $21.95  
 Bénédictine Di Capra / Di Capra Benedict $19.40  
 Bénédictine Viande Fumée / Smoked Meat Benedict $22.41  

Omelettes coco / Coco Omelettes

 Omelette nature / Regular Omelet $13.46  
Omelette végétarienne / Vegetarian Omelet $17.29  
 Omelette Toscane / Tuscana Omelet $17.92  
 Omelette Allô Mon Coco Cheddar / Allô Mon Coco Omelet Cheddar $17.31  
Omelette au bacon / Bacon Omelet $16.61  
 Omelette au fromage / Cheese Omelet $14.46  
Omelette au jambon / Ham Omelet $16.61  
Omelette western / Western Omelet $17.73  
 Omelette fromage de chèvre et saumon fumé à chaud / smoked house salmon and goat cheese omelet $22.95  
 Omelette Salami de Boeuf / Beef Salami Omelet $19.25  
Omelette aux champignons et fines herbes / Mushroom and Fine Herbs Omelet $16.18  
Omelette aux trois fromages / Three Cheeses Omelet $18.50  
 Omelette Bacon et Tomate / Bacon and Tomato Omelet $18.25  
Omelette fromage et épinards / Cheese and Spinach Omelet $18.95  
Omelette au brocoli et fromage suisse / Broccoli and Swiss Cheese Omelet $18.39  
 Omelette avocat, tomate, oignons et fromage Cantonnier / Avocado, Tomato, Onion and Cantonnier Cheese Omelet $19.75  
Omelette viande fumée et fromage suisse / Smoked Meat with Swiss Cheese Omelet $21.36  
Omelette champignons, échalotes et fromage Brie / Mushroom, Shallots and Brie Omelet $18.93  
Omelette tomates séchées, fromage de chèvre, échalotes et origan / Sun-Dried Tomatoes, Goat Cheese, Green Onions and Oregano Omelet $19.40  
 Omelette Philly / Philly Omelet $20.25  
 Omelette méditerranéenne / Mediterranean Omelet $19.40  
 Omelette Allô Mon Coco / Allô Mon Coco Omelet $20.37  
 Omelette Portobello / Portobello Omelet $19.40  
 Omelette Legume Grille / Grilled Vegetable Omelet $19.75  
Omelette saumon fumé et oignon / Smoked Salmon and Onion Omelet $22.59  

Gaufres coco / Coco Waffles

 Gaufres Coco fruits des champs / Coco Waffles Wild Berries $20.68  
 Gaufre Coco de Luxe / Deluxe Coco Waffle $21.48  
 Gaufres Coco banane / Coco Waffles Banana $18.96  
 Gaufres Coco / Coco Waffles $18.40  
 Gaufres Coco fusion de fraise / Strawberry Fusion Coco Waffles $22.57  
 Gaufres Coco fruits frais / Coco Waffles fresh fruits $20.15  
 Gaufres Coco poulet frit / Fried Chicken Coco Waffles $23.16  
 Gaufre Coco Oreo / Oreo Coco Waffle $18.75  

Pain doré et gaufres maison / French Toast and Homemade Waffles

Pain doré nature / Plain French Toast $12.53  
Pain doré fruits saisonniers / Seasonal Fruit French Toast $16.00  


Crêpe nature / Regular Pancake $11.53  
Crêpe fraises avec crème anglaise / Strawberries Pancake with English Cream $18.06  


Crème anglaise / English Cream $3.55  
Chocolat / Chocolate $3.68  
Chocolat blanc / White Chocolate $4.49  
Patates Cube / Cube Potatoes $3.19  
Crème fouettée / Whipped Cream $3.55  
Sirop d’érable / Maple Syrup $3.55  
 Fruits frais / Fresh Fruits $6.95  
Sauce hollandaise $3.56  
Crepe Mince / Thin Pancake $4.76  
Pain blanc / White Toast $2.14  
Crepe Babeurre / Thick Pancake $4.76  
Pain brun / Brown Toast $2.14  
Pommes de terre / Potatoes $3.15  
Pain Seigle / Rye Bread $2.15  
Frites / Fries $3.00  
Pain Sans-Gluten / Gluten-Free Bread $2.50  
Saumon fumé / Smoked Salmon $9.62  
Pain doré / French Toast $4.64

FAQs About Allo Mon Coco

Who owns Allo Mon Coco?

Three entrepreneurs from Montreal, Canada, own Allo Mon Coco. The three founders are Emmanuel Léger, Patrick Ouellet, and Michel Ducharme.

When did Allo Mon Coco open?

Allo Mon Coco opened in 2009 in Montreal, Canada. Since then, the restaurant has expanded to thirty-five locations across Canada in cities such as Ottawa, Toronto, and Quebec City.

Is Allô mon coco gluten free?

Allo Mon Coco’s menu offers gluten-free options for their guests. They have a range of breakfast dishes, salads, and sandwiches that can be modified to accommodate dietary restrictions.

Is Coco’s a franchise?

Allo Mon Coco is a Canadian franchise chain. The chain has grown to thirty-five locations across Canada since it opened in 2009. All locations share the same menu, but each franchise strives to maintain its unique atmosphere and style.

Who owns Coco’s Bakery?

Allo Mon Coco is owned by the Canadian company Cara Operations Limited. The franchise chain is part of the family-run business, including Swiss Chalet and Harvey’s.

Who is the owner of Mon Jin Lau?

Mon Jin Lau is an upscale Chinese cuisine restaurant in Troy, Michigan. The proprietor and chief chef of the cafe is Richard Tai, who has over twenty years of experience in the culinary field.

How much is the franchise fee for Coco?

The franchise fee for Allo Mon Coco is $45,000. This fee covers the cost of establishing a new restaurant and providing support with training and marketing.

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